One of the most prevalent and debilitating challenges for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is severe and chronic disorganization, often manifesting in clutter and even what appears to be hoarding. While some adults with ADHD in fact do harbor complicated attachment to their belongings, most are simply overwhelmed, vulnerable to a constant array of distractions and ongoing difficulty in organizing their thoughts, much less their things. •“Stuff” piles up. •Bills go unpaid for lack of a stamp—or a clear surface on which to write a check. •Tools are constantly misplaced and replaced. •Shopping excursions temporarily “stimulate,” yet leave piles of ignored “great buys” in their wake. •Craft projects or bathroom renovations begun in focused fervor quickly cool to a standstill; as the dopamine-enhancing novelty fades, household discord swells. •Offers of help in clearing clutter are rebuffed—and resented, smacking of self-perceived criticism. •Couples become socially isolated because they are ashamed for others to see how they live in such disarray. Professionals seeking to help these adults harmonize their lives and their environments, risk disappointment if they do not first comprehend ADHD-related organizational challenges, both internal and external. Adequately educated, however, these professionals can offer ADHD-challenged clients the first hope of positive change in years, sometimes decades. Helping these clients create visible improvements to their environment, and their functioning paves the way for optimism that the rest of life can improve as well. For this reason, professional organizers can provide the first line of intervention for adults with ADHD, and their loved ones.

ADHD-500 Driven to Disorganization: The ADHD Contributors to Clutter and Hoarding01:00:00
ADHD-500 Driven to Disorganization: The ADHD Contributors to Clutter and Hoarding 01:00:00
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